
Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Waiting to catch my first fish.........
And still waiting.............

Waiting on God?

Waiting to see him move?  Waiting for prayers to be answered?  Waiting in Faithfulness?  Waiting for answers and direction?  Waiting?  Still........waiting?

Isaiah 26:3 (KJV)
You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you(Lord).

Today, Lord Jesus, I choose to trust in you and I choose to stand still, in knowing you will prove your faithfulness and love in your time, in all things.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jesus wants Me........

A husband and wife getting by in life.  A love for Jesus. A call to be light to children who were in one way or another fatherless and alone.  Alone. A word they both felt in the past and could easily relate with due to circumstances beyond control.  The desire to try in their imperfection.  An attempt to love into the eyes of one unknown to them.  The bank account never poured out an abundance to give and be comfortable.  A desire to trust and in faith love without the guarantee of being loved back. The house was small. Surrendering what was had, and not fully knowing what would be provided in the future. Faith. A willingness to face the unplanned and unexpected.

The door opened and in she came, quiet, looking through the house not a word, an old muffin stuck to her fingers like it had been there for days, frail, and in need of a bath.  Words? No. Conversation? No.  A blank stare and that coat with a hood.  It didn't come off unless we gave instruction to take it off.  Head down always.  The hood was up and surrounded her head as  it offered security. Her life was enclosed in that hood.  Time was the only answer. They say time heals. We tend to want things done now or never.

Time took that quiet little soul and allowed her to blossom into a child.  Children are so very intelligent and full of understanding.  In time she saw love, she learned loved, and she grew to understand that no matter how hard thing would get they were not going to give up on her.  The past is not forgotten and the memories are still present.  She understands hunger, neglect, rejection, abandonment,abuse.  She gets it all and she is still so young. It seems very unfair.

After five years of love and nurturing, bible stories, kisses, food, and being dressed properly, the shell has unpeeled in a mighty way.  She understands she has been adopted into a permanent family.  She knows she is loved by God..........................Most importantly she "sees" an example of Christ in her home and she smiles as she looks up at me and says

"I know........ JESUS WANTS ME."

Friday, January 6, 2012

Out of the Blue..............

We had life by the horns, I was very thankful to God for moving and using us as a vessel.  We were homeschooling our oldest daughters and I was amazed that I could be such a positive influence in their learning how to read and write.  I was doing home preschool with Michael and Megan.  We all were growing and I had my hands full with the babies.  God gave me much wisdom in structure and balance that year.  I grew so much in my role as a "home manager".  Life was very rich in the sense that I felt very confident in my purpose here on earth. I have grown to believe the time we spend beside our kids, and when we choose to walk next to them in life, instead of pushing them onto someone else, we experience the most blessing.  The blessing of our children is what we make of it.  We also were realizing that God was growing our hearts in an extra sensitive way towards the foster care system.  We knew we wanted to take in more children down the road. 
We have our children in two bedrooms in our three bedroom home and realized the space would be needed to move on.  We prayed and looked at many options to pursue the purpose of our ministry , we didn't have much in the way of money to purchase property in our area at the "going rate".  A  land lot down the road from us came up on the market, but was far more then we could afford.  We would drive by and comment on potential for someone to build a home there if they "had money".  We waited and prayed with a number in mind as to what we could afford for a property .  Right before Christmas, the owner of the lot, down the road made contact with my husband and wanted to meet up and show him "that property".  After   conversation with the owner, who was a christian, he felt God wanted him to offer the property at a price we could afford.  We were to give him an offer and we could have the land for that price.  Oh, how God works in amazing ways in His Time!  To me that was one of the best presents I could have asked for.  Presently we have paid off the land and are planning to build another home within the next two years.  This home will offer the opportunity to take in more children if God wills.  Also the kids will have six acres to roam on and enjoy!

The joy and gratitude was there.  I was loving being a mom to six kids.  The days were busy yet rewarding, bedtime by 8pm.  Tea and rest time with my husband until our bedtime.  The morning started with the quiet time of Michael and I getting into the word(bible) while we drank our coffee.......Balance and Peace.

Again, the phone rang, May 12 2011, "Krista pray." Nathaniel's brother was born that morning at 1lb, he was being treated at the NICU.  His survival did not look good.  The complications were endless.  Would we take any consideration into kinship care?  That month was filled with drama and uncertain times, doubt, and misdirection.  Bottom line was, someone needed to go to the NICU and bond with this wee little baby as he fought for his life.  

One obstacle for Mike and I was, we had to apply for a waiver because our home housed six children under the age of 18 and you can not have more without special permission at a state level.  We waited for news on the waiver hoping we would not be denied. We took the risk to go and hold the baby. We had wonderful friends and an awesome babysitter who stepped in at night to sit at the house with the other kids while they were sleeping, and we traveled to the hospital to hold and bond with the baby.  
The balance in our home flew out the window for the time, but God was and continues to be gracious to us, as we brought "Baby James" into our home in July 2011 at a remarkable 4lbs.  James had a heart monitor the first six weeks.  Many doctors appointments have proved he is a miracle to be alive without any major complications. Today James weighs 15lbs and is the most happy, joyful, content child a mommy of seven could ask for!

              God Is So Good!

James 1:27 Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this:  to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  (NIV)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

God has a sense of humor..............

Frustration and sadness were the best way to describe the months ahead as the crib in Michael's room lay empty.  I desired another child.  It is that "mommy thing" that sits in the back of your brain.  No matter how good things are, no matter how many awesome kids you are raising in the Lord, no matter how busy you can make yourself throughout the day, the baby thought does not leave.  I prayed and continued to ask for God to protect Michael's brother (the baby) as I was not settled in the fact he could he at risk for harm in the future.  Our caseworker was very patient and reassured us that some circumstance could arise and we could quickly fill that empty crib.

In July the phone rang and I was quick to respond to the caseworker on the other end.  A baby was in the NICU weighing 4lbs.  He was healthy and in need of a 30 day placement foster home.  Again, we were asked if we could make arrangements to be at the hospital in the morning to bond and bring the child home.  God prompted us to take the babie's welfare into our hands and bring that tiny 4lb. bundle of joy home.  We quickly adjusted to three hour feedings and preemie care.  This little guy needed us for the time being and we were willing to fill in the gap as mom and dad.
We took time to adjust and the kids were having a wonderful time taking care of "God's baby" who needed a family.  Nathaniel was given much attention and care from all of us as we walked in the "unknowns" of our future together.  My prayer focus had been for God to step in and cover this baby with a hedge of protection.  The desire of my heart was for God to lead and make his path straight.  God give his life Godly purpose, amen.

Four weeks into the baby adjustments, doctor appointments, and general adjusting we felt God at work molding this family again for his purpose.

         Sunday August 2,2010,  4:00 in the morning

God had to be looking down upon us and smiling, showing his glory, strength, and ability to be God!  The phone rang, we were sleeping, Mike didn't wake but I had just fed the baby and was not falling asleep.  I crept down the steps to hear someone calling from the local police station about someone.  I picked up the phone and was informed Michael's baby brother was sitting there at the station.  At this time he was four- months-old and at mom's request they wanted him to be placed with us for the time being.  Half asleep I agreed and hung up.  The caseworker said she would be right over with the baby, he was not properly dressed, and was hungry.  Okay, God had answered my prayer and now I would be able to meet this baby for the first time.  This child that I had prayed for so long.  One problem, I was half asleep, I didn't discuss the matter with my sleeping husband, and I had a 4lb tiny preemie upstairs that I was committed to.

I ran up the steps crying and woke my husband.....the words fell out.."They are bringing him, he is coming, I am sorry I didn't talk with you first, I made a mistake, but he is finally here!.........and my gracious husband looking half woken,  responded "Who is coming, what's wrong?"  My husband deserves a medal for that morning.....I told him and he very calmly responded "I'll go make some coffee."

Making coffee is what we did, and we waited until 6am.  Mike was the first to open the door and greet Baby Benjamin......he arrived a whole 22lbs at 4 months of age and he looked us over with a big smile....almost to say "Well it is about time I got here, now the  party can begin!"  And indeed the party had started and goes on..............God gave me two babies, when I only prayed for one..........In God's time, not my time, he makes all things beautiful!!!!  And Beautiful is what I see every day when my "blessings" wake for the day!!!!
Our Ben Ben!
Brotherly Love

This past year, after time in court and the choice to remain "rested" in Christ's promise of purpose, we were able to adopt both boys and what a day of happiness that was for our family!!! Benjamin and Nathaniel Snyder we love you so much! Oh wait though, if you are counting we have seven children...........God has allowed more "purpose" to share in my next blog!

What Could Have Been Lost If We Would Have Chosen To Not Trust and Obey...In God's Plan 

                       WE ARE BLESSED!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It Wasn't God's Time.................

Life was sooo comfortable, to comfortable for me!
January 4, 2012
Our family was cute, a nice even four kiddos, buddy for buddy, aged close together (which I love!) , the red minivan was working out....but my heart was not settled.  After being in the courthouse sitting for hearing after hearing I had seen so much brokenness and heartache.  I knew there had to be another child in need of a home.  As I spent my morning quiet time with God my heart lay heavy with the knowledge that four kids was not the number for us.  I wasn't sure how God would move but the spiritual prompting was hard to contain...  One thing I can testify to is the Anguish I have for the fatherless children in our midst.  I was sure there was a "hope and future" for another child being welcomed into our home.

In the summer of 2009 we got word that a sibling to one of our children was going to be born early 2010.  When there is a blood relationship between children they will try to keep those children together.  We got our hopes up that soon there would be a baby filling a crib in our home.  We didn't tell the kids but between Mike and I we were ready for this child. Mike and I started planning an addition to our existing home and were in a pursuit for a larger vehicle.  We would take in this baby and our family would be complete with three girls and two boys.  We always wanted five kids.  Preparation was made, and in that fall of 2009 my husband broke ground and built an addition onto our home.  We worked hard to prepare and in March we waited for the call...............................
we waited for the call..........................
we waited for the call..........................
The call never came.  The ride to the hospital to hold the baby?  It never happened.  The child went home to his parents.  I didn't feel the circumstances were what they should have been....what a pain to swallow.  I felt like I had just miscarried.  The crib was set up, it stood empty.  The outfits that had been washed and folded sat next to the crib.  The blanket I had bought for this baby was laying unused.  The truth was there was no baby.  My heart was ready and willing but it wasn't time.  It wasn't God's time.  God did not allow for my will to prevail.  The changing table sat unused.  I had four beautiful blessings in front of me, yet the fifth was not there.  We had prepared. We were ready to make all the sacrifices and serve.  We were willing to take on the nightly feedings and dirty diapers....God why?  It wasn't God's time.

We knew the child was not in a safe environment yet our hands were tied.  But, my lips weren't duct taped shut.  I spent the following months seeking the Lord's face as I cried out and prayed for this child even though he was not to be mine........It wasn't God's time.

Babysitting for 10 Days?

January 4, 2012
  Who knew 10 days of babysitting could turn into a lifetime?  And that is how it happened, a call, an answer of yes or no, and then the direction of standby.  "Wait for a call sometime tomorrow, we'll be bringing a three-year-old and her one-year-old sister. " We need ten days." is what I heard, then goodbye.  
Emily (w/sisters and brother)

   That day came and went in a storm.  The girls were actually almost 5 and 22 months.  I was unprepared for what I saw in front of me.  I do not want to talk specifically because I do believe each child comes from a past that is their own to share.  I don't have the right to share their past as a bubble of pride on my behalf.  Let it be known, I saw in my house for the first time what physical abuse and neglect can look like. From that time on our survival instincts kicked in and God took Mike and I on a three year journey in and out of court, through turmoil and anger, as we saw the true effects of neglect and what it can do to harm a child and debilitate their learning and development for life.  Tears and heartache were a big part of the journey.  We still struggle daily as we battle the symptoms of reactive attachment disorder and ADHD however God's grace is proving to be sufficient in the battle.  Emily and Megan were adopted in November of 2010.  We have learned grace and through the girl's adoption we have been blessed by their smiles and strength in overcoming the obstacles. Homeschooling has been a huge help to instilling value into their lives. I look forward to seeing them mature and be filled with a Godly love that can heal their souls and give them purpose. We love you Emily and Megan Snyder!

Emily and her beautiful Smile

Megan and the kitten

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Call..........

January 3, 2012
We had barely finished our paperwork and approval when that first call came to our home.  The caseworker informed me there was a little boy born at the hospital , he was in need of care, and more then likely a forever family.  Would we be willing to take on the responsibility of his care and possible adoption?  That was the question posed to us in a brief ten minute conversation.  And the tail end of that question was ended with "Oh, and by the way the baby was born with cleft lip and cleft palate.  Do you know what that is?"

No, I had no idea what cleft lip and palate was nor the steps needed to care for a baby with these special needs.  I did not know what caring for this child would bring while raising a two-year-old daughter.  Michael and I were clueless about any of the "facts".  We felt God had opened this door for us and we prepared to go and start bonding with this baby.  One obstacle was we were in need of a clean water test and our well water did not meet regulation. (We weren't drinking it!)  We spent our Thanksgiving of 2006 arguing over the installation of a water softener system and UV light.  We had to achieve the clean water test for our final approval with the agency, then we would be able to bond with this little life that lay in the hospital. 

The water test finally passed after Mike's sweat and frustration in installing the water softener that Thanksgiving (come to think of it he might not of had the chance for  pumpkin pie in the mix of things?)  The next challenge was a couple of signatures before we could be an official "foster/adoption" home, no problem there, our caseworker had faith in us to the point of driving with me to Michael's job site in the mountains (no joke!) just to get those papers signed and get us approved to go meet this baby....................

OUR FIRST TIME MEETING THE BABY....................................

 We registered at the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) front desk and proceed to the little incubator box that held our son, on the side of the box the name of the baby was written in marker.  While gazing at him, in his beautiful infant state, we saw the name written on his box........."Michael".  Our baby's name was Michael.  His birth mother had given him the name.  The very name of my husband. Michael.

Baby Michael
Julia taking care of her brother.
Home from our cleft lip repair.
Home after palate surgery, the arm bands were on for six weeks to keep Michael from touching his mouth.  We kept him busy playing so he wouldn't mind the restrictions!
We spent two weeks bonding and learning how to care for Michael in the NICU.  The experience was just the beginning of the journey for us in the NICU.  For the next two years we spent time in and out of the hospital to correct Michael's lip and palate.  We have wonderful cleft clinic doctors and a team of people who will see us through in the years to come as we address all the obstacles that come with being born with cleft lip and palate.  God has been faithful!  I have grown in strength and character as a person in so many ways.  When God asks us to step out, when he asks us to serve, give, love, it is NOT by our own strength that we move forward.  We must rely on Christ through the Holy Spirit to equipped us for the journey.  Trusting God, not your where it all begins............and oh what a blessed mommy I am!
Michael (5 yrs old) on Daddy's Tractor (One of his greatest loves!)
December 2011


I Love You

Michael Steven Snyder.........

God has put you into our family with a purpose and plan!

Monday, January 2, 2012

It All Started While Living In Our Trailer.........

January 2, 2012
     Funny thing I have learned in the last six years,  being involved with the foster/adoption system is that God doesn't always call us out, fully equipped with what we need to fulfill his purpose for us.  The spirit's leading started for us in a small white trailer on .68 of an acre.  The spirit's leading was clear and we chose obedience,regardless of the fact we were living in a trailer.  At that time we had our precious two-year-old daughter Julia and were enjoying her every step.  Being a type 1 diabetic, complicated my ability for a healthy pregnancy with Julia, and that led us to investigate adoption. 
     Michael and I where in the process of planning and building a home on our property when hurricane Katrina hit the South very hard.  I remember a pastor friend of ours bringing a paper to our home with details on how to help the children who where left without homes and family.  It struck a chord with me and made my heart ache for those children. We moved into our home in April of that year. Shortly after we made a phone call to our local agency and requested information on fostering children and adopting .
   From that call, it was exactly three months of training, paper work, clearances, and dedication for our home study and approval to be accepted and complete. In that time, another phone call took place that would change our lives forever....................

 The Potter At Work Molding Our Family For His Desires !

Spring 2007
To Be Continued.............

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Here We Come.......

JANUARY 1, 2012

The day has begun, we can't turn back time!  The only choice we have is to keep moving ahead.  My mind has been reflecting over the past year, and I am  in "awe" of God and how he has grown our family in the last 365 days and I can't wait to see what will come in the next 365 days.  Mike and I gathered the kids on the rug in our livingroom this morning for our devotional time ..........

Romans 12:2     Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.  (NIV Bible)   

This is a new year and a chance to start blogging.........for myself.  We have many who have asked if we blog or if there is a way to "stay updated" as God moves in our family "purpose".  I have finally gotten inspired to reach out and share as 2012 begins.  In the next month I will give a brief share on our family and how God has grown us in the last seven years.  I also hope to write and encourage others on this blogspot as God continues to renew me in this ever growing relationship I share with him from now until eternity.

May God transform and renew your soul daily!!!